Sunday, January 25, 2015

LaPaz - TEAM Conference Crew

This group photo includes the Mexico TEAM missionaries and their families; the conference guest speaker; a nurturing couple; and childcare (youth/elementary) volunteers.  (not pictured: Micah)

Dear Jesus,
We pray for these dear missionaries who have heard and obeyed Your call into the mission field.  We thank You for their gifts, talents and skills You have given them.  We thank You for their trust in You as they many times feel inadequate and lean on You for their direction.  You fully equip them through each and every day.  They give You all honor and glory as they tell their stories.  They see Your hand in every step of being where they are.  We pray for Your continued protection, wisdom, and peace Lord as they continue to move forward in this calling.
Thank You Lord for the valuable friendship.  Thank You for the honor of being able to personally pray for them and see Your works unfold through them.
In Your Name we pray, Amen.

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