Sunday, January 18, 2015

LaPaz - Day 1 Casa Beuna

The Bed & Breakfast where we are staying (Casa Beuna) is like a walled-community.  We have a gate and password protected doorway to enter.  The windows are barred and extra side gates have rolled barb wire.  Inside, there is a panada, the central community area with kitchen, dining area, family room area, and bathroom.  There are the rooms, the house where the owners live, and a church.  All of these areas are accessible from this squared off wall.  The first two photos are taken from the front gate.  Our room is the 2nd floor left room with the balcony on the side.  It's beautiful here, comfortable, relaxing, and puts a smile on your face.  It's just what these missionaries need.
Those who have been here with us before, these photos will bring back wonderful memories.

Micah & Lilly playing with the owners' children - Michelle and Arthur ... and one of the dogs - Cracker.

view of palapa from our balcony
our balcony - I had to add this because Lilly woke up this morning and said "Good morning in Mexico.  I'm so glad we have a balcony."

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