Thursday, January 22, 2015

LaPaz - Day 4 Conference lll

The first Sunday of the new year our sermon was about FOCUS.  It came down to our FOCUS as Christians is "to love our neighbors", that's how we love God.  As a family going on a short-missions trip we are able to FOCUS on the missionaries and their children this week.  Part of the conference is having people delegated in specific areas - here I'm not responsible for cooking or cleaning, Matt doesn't go to work, and the kids don't have school or normal chores.  So, we can FOCUS on the children.
This is an area where we can pray for these missionaries (and missionaries all over the world) - that they can FOCUS on their calling that God has given them.  They go to foreign countries committing themselves full-time.  They take their everyday responsibilities, learn new languages, learn new customs, transition living styles and familiar comforts, and tell the good news of Jesus Christ to those around them.  There are so many logistical items that they have been talking about - vehicles, frequently changing laws, paperwork, ... it can be distracting from their purpose here.  We need to pray for their FOCUS.

morning worship
Day three with our kiddos was wonderful.  They all really enjoyed our new song "Go Tell".  They are getting tired - all nights are late, but this was the night of going to "the ranch".  They perked up for that!  The Johnson family (we have the 3 girls in our class) handle the ministry of the ranch - Rancho El Camino (  They host many camps throughout the year, using their horses, kayaks, dorms, and worship area.  We went out early with all of the youth to ride horses, hike, and relax.  Lilly had a blast riding all three horses - Soldier, Echo, and Cocoa.  (Micah, Matt, and I rode too.)  Everyone came together for an outdoor meal and fellowship.  We celebrated one couple's 25th anniversary with TEAM missions (wife - 32 years with TEAM and husband 24.5 years with TEAM).

Ranch palapa/worship area: damaged from hurricane

Full view of ranch

25th anniversary celebration with TEAM missions

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