Wednesday, January 14, 2015

LaPaz materials

In November, an Eastside Explorers forum came out from another homeschool mom.  It was titled "Free VBS kits".  It said "A friend of mine works for a charitable organization. They received a donation of about 4,000 VBS packs. They distributed about 2,000 of them, but would still like to get the rest out of their inventory by the end of the year. There are only two different programs."
We made contact and the pick-up location was real close to Matt's work.  We were given several sample packs of both kits.  We selected "STUDIO GO!" Game Show to use and starting January 1st began digging in to what we'd be doing, gathering materials, learning songs, and putting it all together.  God's timing was perfect for us to have this.

Wade Winalot and Professor Wordsmart (Matt & Jodie's skit characters)


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