Sunday, January 25, 2015

LaPaz - day 9 El Faro - Lego "Creation" Sunday School

We woke up to another overcast, windy, and chilly day.  The residents say this could be the coldest few days they'll have this year.  We prayed that it would not cause the attendance at El Faro to be low (it is an outdoor church).  Today we were doing a special "Lego Creation" project with the children in Sunday School.
We arrived early to El Faro to set up the classroom.  Service generally begins at 10am.  It was lovely having the worship team practicing while we were setting up - it was like our own private concert.  Ten o'clock rolled around and people began arriving ... at 10:45am a relaxed El Faro service got underway.  (This would never happen at SBC.)  A congregation of ~120 were there.
After worship the children of El Faro (40 came today - hallelujah!) the children were called up to recite the "Lego Code of Honor" and then they all came back - young and teenagers.  I read "The 7 Days of Creation" and Susie translated.  Matt spoke about "God's creativity, us being made in the image of God, and us using our creativity" - Martin translated.  The children began making their creations and had a joyous time.
Matt prayed over the projects and parents were invited to come back to see and hear their child explain what they did.  All of these Legos were donated.  (They could use more of the flat platforms and regular sized lego pieces.)

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