Friday, January 23, 2015

LaPaz day 6 conference V

Worship Team leading theme song 'Thrive'
Our last day with the kids.  It was a rough night as Micah was sick from 9:15pm - 5:15am vomiting on a regular basis.  We left him in the room to finally get some sleep while we began the morning routine.

The theme for the TEAM missionaries was "THRIVE".  This was one of the songs we sang each morning during worship time.  Patti (she organized the conference) shared verses each day to encourage everyone to thrive in life through Christ.  A neat experience she shared today was about her first TEAM conference 5 years ago.  They were singing songs in English and she started crying because she hadn't sung in English for quite a while.  Someone asked during that week how the missionaries worshipped more closely with God in English and in Spanish.  Patti said one of the women answered "either one" and she thought to herself 'I'll never be there'.  This week, 2015, she said "I understand what the other woman meant.  I can now worship closely with God in English and in Spanish."

Our "Go Studio" theme for the day was 'Go Serve'.  Ava won the 'Scramble' game to get the activities started.  The kids teamed up and served each other for snacks.  Micah was able to join us for the final skit and closing activities around 1pm.  We awarded each of them a "Go Studio" certificate and told them we hoped to see them again soon.

Last day with all our themes up

1 comment:

  1. Love the matching shirts each day...I recognize this set!
