Thursday, January 22, 2015

God uses it all for good

Ten days before the conference the lady designated for meals hurt her back.  Patti was able to get the ranch cook and her family to fill in.  They have been terrific!  They are in the front part of the palapa cooking all day, while we are in the back part of the palapa singing, doing crafts, reading, and playing games.  (It smells amazing in there.)  This is just one situation in which the enemy tried to ruin a God-honoring conference such as this.  But God takes all of these things and turns them into good - and/or prevents it from being worse than it might have been.

We've also had, not all are ours personally, but within the group:
  • emergency room stitches
  • an arm full of cactus needles
  • lice
  • migraine headache
  • sore throats
  • nausea and vomiting

It was not us with the lice (this time), but God was able to use our episode from two years ago and provide peace and assurance to this family.  Therefore, on Monday morning their daughter was a part of our class - she has been an absolute joy too.

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