Thursday, January 22, 2015

LaPaz Day 5 Conference lV

Breakfast time in the palapa
I've struggled with emotions today - I don't like that we've passed Wednesday and we're on the downslide of the week.  In worship this morning I was overwhelmed and overjoyed at being able to worship in a community setting singing praises for an hour every morning.  It's like having Bible Study every day.  Even thought the kids and I begin our school days reading our Bible and praying - this has such a different effect - an extra punch.
Our topic today with the kids was "Go Obey".  Acts 5:29 "We must obey God rather than men".  I felt like we were preaching to the choir since these kids and their families obey God no matter what the cost may be - just like the apostles in Acts 5.
Lilly has done such a magnificent job at corralling the kids and playing with them during free time - especially Kylah, Ava, and Ali (the younger ones).  They adore her and want to be with her at all times.  Today Lilly got to go with Ali to her ballet class in town.  Ali was more willing to go and Lilly was excited to watch her - it was a win/win situation.
Tonight was 'Talent Show Night'.  Paul signed us up to go first and so our "GO STUDIO" crew sang three of our favorite songs (motions too):  Go Studio; Go Tell Everyone; Say Yes.  It was a great night of laughs and entertainment.   (Matt doesn't wear the Wade Winalot wig all day - it just looks like it from the photos.  hehe  The kids did want him to wear it for the Talent Show tonight though.)

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