Tuesday, January 20, 2015

LaPaz - Day 3 Conference ll

Go Studio Characters - Prof. Wordsmart, Coach, & Wade Winalot
Oh what a glorious day!  I seriously LOVE being here and with this amazing group of people.  TEAM missions is growing in Mexico and there are several new missionaries involved in this year's conference.  That's exciting!  It's such a joy to come along side them and connect with them.  I'm so glad we're able to build these relationships and feel like family with them.
TEAM missions, as we found out this morning, is celebrating their 125th anniversary this year - October 14th.  How exciting!  God used amazing joys and sorrows in Frederick Franson's life to begin TEAM missions.  It was fun learning some history about that this morning.
Our day with the kids was terrific!  Our flexible routine felt comfortable (being day 2) - Matt leads songs, Micah reads stories and explains the games, Lilly models energy and enthusiasm and plays hard with the girls at recess, Jodie reads the scriptures and leads the crafts.  It's a great team effort!
Tonight after dinner was "Coffee House Night" (AKA: BAJA BEAN).  The worship center is turned into a snack and coffee bar and after a large group game, then tables are set up for small groups and board games / card games.  While working on coffee orders with Patti I looked out over the tables - kids, adults, missionaries, support pastors and just smiled.  Tears came to my eyes from the joy of the opportunity to be here.
Morning worship - Ali and Lilly

Go Studio songs and motions

Coming together for dinner time prayer

Games at 'Baja Bean'

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