Monday, January 26, 2015

LaPaz day 10 - travel day home


In just 10 hours we traveled from the Malacon beach in LaPaz, Mexico to our driveway in Phoenix, Arizona.  Martin and Susie dropped us off at the shuttle bus station at 7:45am this morning.  We rode along the coast for three hours (enjoying the scenery), hung out at the Cabo International Airport until 2pm and arrived in Phoenix at 4pm.
Shuttle bus
We've now had dinner, showered, and the kids are snuggling in their own beds.  We've come full circle with lots of amazing memories and wonderful friends we've shared them with.
Home - Micah with pizza in hand

Sunday, January 25, 2015

LaPaz - day 9 Our last day

After church we went to lunch down on the Malacon with Martin & Susie Gonzales, Brian & Susan Key, and the Theissen family.  These three couples are all be part of the El Faro community.

Sweet friendships made with the Theissen kids (Josiah 10 & Keyana 8)
Afterward, it was back to Casa Beuna to pack up our belongings.  It's a bitter-sweet time.  Lilly told me this morning "If I lived here I would have to get used to all the bugs and putting my toilet paper in the trash can."

LaPaz - day 9 El Faro - Lego "Creation" Sunday School

We woke up to another overcast, windy, and chilly day.  The residents say this could be the coldest few days they'll have this year.  We prayed that it would not cause the attendance at El Faro to be low (it is an outdoor church).  Today we were doing a special "Lego Creation" project with the children in Sunday School.
We arrived early to El Faro to set up the classroom.  Service generally begins at 10am.  It was lovely having the worship team practicing while we were setting up - it was like our own private concert.  Ten o'clock rolled around and people began arriving ... at 10:45am a relaxed El Faro service got underway.  (This would never happen at SBC.)  A congregation of ~120 were there.
After worship the children of El Faro (40 came today - hallelujah!) the children were called up to recite the "Lego Code of Honor" and then they all came back - young and teenagers.  I read "The 7 Days of Creation" and Susie translated.  Matt spoke about "God's creativity, us being made in the image of God, and us using our creativity" - Martin translated.  The children began making their creations and had a joyous time.
Matt prayed over the projects and parents were invited to come back to see and hear their child explain what they did.  All of these Legos were donated.  (They could use more of the flat platforms and regular sized lego pieces.)

LaPaz - TEAM Conference Crew

This group photo includes the Mexico TEAM missionaries and their families; the conference guest speaker; a nurturing couple; and childcare (youth/elementary) volunteers.  (not pictured: Micah)

Dear Jesus,
We pray for these dear missionaries who have heard and obeyed Your call into the mission field.  We thank You for their gifts, talents and skills You have given them.  We thank You for their trust in You as they many times feel inadequate and lean on You for their direction.  You fully equip them through each and every day.  They give You all honor and glory as they tell their stories.  They see Your hand in every step of being where they are.  We pray for Your continued protection, wisdom, and peace Lord as they continue to move forward in this calling.
Thank You Lord for the valuable friendship.  Thank You for the honor of being able to personally pray for them and see Your works unfold through them.
In Your Name we pray, Amen.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

LaPaz day 7

The Secret Garden
Lilly had come home from yesterday's luncheon wiped out and feverish.  She slept through the night - getting oils on her forehead and tummy.  Both kids were feeling good today.  Last night Matt took our dirty laundry to the laundry business across the street.  We went to her last time we were here and she does an amazing job.  She charges by the basket full and works dutifully on stains.  We got those clothes back today - ah, it feels refreshing to put them on.  Mixed with a nice warm shower is delightful.

Several couples headed to the airport today, but quite a few are still around too.  Today was scheduled to be a beach day for us, with the Johnson family.  The weather (60's, windy, and rainy)changed the plans slightly.  Matt, Micah, Pete, and their intern (Ryan) still headed to the beach about 1pm, but all the girls decided to stay at Casa Beuna to play and then take a large group of us to a restaurant named "The Secret Garden".  Wow, what a place for kids to play.  We were still outside, so we all had our jackets on, but it was a neat playground (animals of all kinds included) for the kids.
Card Game - Golf
When we returned to Casa Beuna everyone basically stuck around and we played cards for hours.  The kids played some more outside and then watched a movie in the palapa.  Even though the conference is over many are just not ready to be done.  They are a big happy family when they are together.  They do a great job including us in on that!

Friday, January 23, 2015


 We are so happy to have had this opportunity to spend time with these kids and hear about the ministry work of their families.  We pray this can be something we do on a regular basis and if we can't maybe some of our supporters and friends would be interested.  There is a need for secure and trusted childcare for these children during the annual conferences.  We were given deep thanks for being here and told how refreshing it was to comfortably leave their children with others confidently.
Ava                                               Luke

LaPaz day 6 conference V

Worship Team leading theme song 'Thrive'
Our last day with the kids.  It was a rough night as Micah was sick from 9:15pm - 5:15am vomiting on a regular basis.  We left him in the room to finally get some sleep while we began the morning routine.

The theme for the TEAM missionaries was "THRIVE".  This was one of the songs we sang each morning during worship time.  Patti (she organized the conference) shared verses each day to encourage everyone to thrive in life through Christ.  A neat experience she shared today was about her first TEAM conference 5 years ago.  They were singing songs in English and she started crying because she hadn't sung in English for quite a while.  Someone asked during that week how the missionaries worshipped more closely with God in English and in Spanish.  Patti said one of the women answered "either one" and she thought to herself 'I'll never be there'.  This week, 2015, she said "I understand what the other woman meant.  I can now worship closely with God in English and in Spanish."

Our "Go Studio" theme for the day was 'Go Serve'.  Ava won the 'Scramble' game to get the activities started.  The kids teamed up and served each other for snacks.  Micah was able to join us for the final skit and closing activities around 1pm.  We awarded each of them a "Go Studio" certificate and told them we hoped to see them again soon.

Last day with all our themes up

Thursday, January 22, 2015

God uses it all for good

Ten days before the conference the lady designated for meals hurt her back.  Patti was able to get the ranch cook and her family to fill in.  They have been terrific!  They are in the front part of the palapa cooking all day, while we are in the back part of the palapa singing, doing crafts, reading, and playing games.  (It smells amazing in there.)  This is just one situation in which the enemy tried to ruin a God-honoring conference such as this.  But God takes all of these things and turns them into good - and/or prevents it from being worse than it might have been.

We've also had, not all are ours personally, but within the group:
  • emergency room stitches
  • an arm full of cactus needles
  • lice
  • migraine headache
  • sore throats
  • nausea and vomiting

It was not us with the lice (this time), but God was able to use our episode from two years ago and provide peace and assurance to this family.  Therefore, on Monday morning their daughter was a part of our class - she has been an absolute joy too.

LaPaz Day 5 Conference lV

Breakfast time in the palapa
I've struggled with emotions today - I don't like that we've passed Wednesday and we're on the downslide of the week.  In worship this morning I was overwhelmed and overjoyed at being able to worship in a community setting singing praises for an hour every morning.  It's like having Bible Study every day.  Even thought the kids and I begin our school days reading our Bible and praying - this has such a different effect - an extra punch.
Our topic today with the kids was "Go Obey".  Acts 5:29 "We must obey God rather than men".  I felt like we were preaching to the choir since these kids and their families obey God no matter what the cost may be - just like the apostles in Acts 5.
Lilly has done such a magnificent job at corralling the kids and playing with them during free time - especially Kylah, Ava, and Ali (the younger ones).  They adore her and want to be with her at all times.  Today Lilly got to go with Ali to her ballet class in town.  Ali was more willing to go and Lilly was excited to watch her - it was a win/win situation.
Tonight was 'Talent Show Night'.  Paul signed us up to go first and so our "GO STUDIO" crew sang three of our favorite songs (motions too):  Go Studio; Go Tell Everyone; Say Yes.  It was a great night of laughs and entertainment.   (Matt doesn't wear the Wade Winalot wig all day - it just looks like it from the photos.  hehe  The kids did want him to wear it for the Talent Show tonight though.)

LaPaz - Day 4 Conference lll

The first Sunday of the new year our sermon was about FOCUS.  It came down to our FOCUS as Christians is "to love our neighbors", that's how we love God.  As a family going on a short-missions trip we are able to FOCUS on the missionaries and their children this week.  Part of the conference is having people delegated in specific areas - here I'm not responsible for cooking or cleaning, Matt doesn't go to work, and the kids don't have school or normal chores.  So, we can FOCUS on the children.
This is an area where we can pray for these missionaries (and missionaries all over the world) - that they can FOCUS on their calling that God has given them.  They go to foreign countries committing themselves full-time.  They take their everyday responsibilities, learn new languages, learn new customs, transition living styles and familiar comforts, and tell the good news of Jesus Christ to those around them.  There are so many logistical items that they have been talking about - vehicles, frequently changing laws, paperwork, ... it can be distracting from their purpose here.  We need to pray for their FOCUS.

morning worship
Day three with our kiddos was wonderful.  They all really enjoyed our new song "Go Tell".  They are getting tired - all nights are late, but this was the night of going to "the ranch".  They perked up for that!  The Johnson family (we have the 3 girls in our class) handle the ministry of the ranch - Rancho El Camino (  They host many camps throughout the year, using their horses, kayaks, dorms, and worship area.  We went out early with all of the youth to ride horses, hike, and relax.  Lilly had a blast riding all three horses - Soldier, Echo, and Cocoa.  (Micah, Matt, and I rode too.)  Everyone came together for an outdoor meal and fellowship.  We celebrated one couple's 25th anniversary with TEAM missions (wife - 32 years with TEAM and husband 24.5 years with TEAM).

Ranch palapa/worship area: damaged from hurricane

Full view of ranch

25th anniversary celebration with TEAM missions

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

LaPaz - Day 3 Conference ll

Go Studio Characters - Prof. Wordsmart, Coach, & Wade Winalot
Oh what a glorious day!  I seriously LOVE being here and with this amazing group of people.  TEAM missions is growing in Mexico and there are several new missionaries involved in this year's conference.  That's exciting!  It's such a joy to come along side them and connect with them.  I'm so glad we're able to build these relationships and feel like family with them.
TEAM missions, as we found out this morning, is celebrating their 125th anniversary this year - October 14th.  How exciting!  God used amazing joys and sorrows in Frederick Franson's life to begin TEAM missions.  It was fun learning some history about that this morning.
Our day with the kids was terrific!  Our flexible routine felt comfortable (being day 2) - Matt leads songs, Micah reads stories and explains the games, Lilly models energy and enthusiasm and plays hard with the girls at recess, Jodie reads the scriptures and leads the crafts.  It's a great team effort!
Tonight after dinner was "Coffee House Night" (AKA: BAJA BEAN).  The worship center is turned into a snack and coffee bar and after a large group game, then tables are set up for small groups and board games / card games.  While working on coffee orders with Patti I looked out over the tables - kids, adults, missionaries, support pastors and just smiled.  Tears came to my eyes from the joy of the opportunity to be here.
Morning worship - Ali and Lilly

Go Studio songs and motions

Coming together for dinner time prayer

Games at 'Baja Bean'

Monday, January 19, 2015

LaPaz - Day 2 Conference Begins

Our group with Gideon's Torch craft
Yesterday Micah and Lilly began meeting the Missionary Kids (MKs).  They all began jabbering and playing like they'd been part of the group for years.
Today was the first day of the TEAM Conference.  We all had breakfast from 8-9am, worship from 9-10am and then children dispersed to their groups.  Time to start!
Matt & I decided to set up our "classroom" in the palapa (community building).  We transformed an area in the back to be "STUDIO GO".  Today's theme was "Go Lead", the story of Gideon's army.  We had a wonderful day with our group of children:  Kylah (4), Ava (5), Ali (7), Luke (7), and Keyana (8).
After dinner, everyone piled into the vehicles and we went to the Malacon' for gelato.  In the meal/break times, we are enjoying conversations with the missionaries and learning about their work and experiences.  Continue to pray for health, reviving, and great fellowship for all!
Worship Team (large group)

Learning "Go Studio" songs and motions with 'Wade Winalot'

Sunday, January 18, 2015

LaPaz - day 1 El Faro

Roberto, Lizeth, and Martin lead worship.
This morning we went to El Faro for church service.  This is the second church plant started by Martin and Susie Gonzales.  This is the church we hosted a 3-night VBS - summer 2012.  Since that visit they have had a fire and a hurricane.  We were thrilled to see the progress they have made in continuing their building and to hear of the upcoming plans (short-term and long-term).
More concrete has been poured to provide sidewalks and ramps, landscaping has been put in, stairs have been added to begin a second story classroom, classrooms in place have solid roofing overhead, and gates have been added.  The fencing is planned to arrive in a couple of weeks.  The fencing will help prevent people from using El Faro as a "short-cut" or "hang out".
We recognized quite a few people and enjoyed exchanging greetings and smiles.  It was an honor to sing praises in Spanish and to look out over the city and feel God's gentle touch through the breeze.

Roof over classroom #2