Thursday, February 5, 2015

Horse Lessons

Lilly LOVES horses!  She's talked about riding horses for several years and one of her grown-up dreams is "to live on a ranch and have horses."  For her 7th birthday, Matt and I got her horse lessons.  A friend in Eastside has a niece who gives lessons - minimum age 7, or a 'large 6' (that's not Lilly).
Her first lesson was just before our trip to Mexico.  It was amazing!!  Emalee (her teacher) had her hands-on with everything as she modeled, explained, and directed.  Lilly brushed Jed (her horse), cleaned his hooves, saddled him up, and walked him to the back area.  Behind the fence Lilly was riding Jed, giving him directions to "go", "turn right", "turn left", "go backward", and "stop".
She was quiet as she listened to Emalee and focused on Jed, but her smile was HUGE and her eyes sparkled greatly.
Today was her second lesson.  Emalee had Lilly braid Jed's mane - so cute, while we waited for her classmate Cloe.  She reviewed everything from lesson 1 and added "trotting".

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