Sunday, October 12, 2014

Dolphin Song - Coconut

We recently finished an audio book entitled Dolphin Song by Lauren St. John.  It's a fiction novel about a girl named Martine and five of her classmates who are thrown overboard while on a school trip to South Africa and are brought to shore by a pod of helpful dolphins, the castaways must learn how to survive.
One of their survival methods is collecting coconuts, opening them, drinking the milk, and eating the pulp.  At the grocery store this week, Lilly asked if we could get a coconut and do the same.  They only had a knife, we were able to add a hammer and nail to our tools.
Step 1:   hammer the nail into the weak areas of the coconut (the 3 "holes")
Step 2:   tip the coconut over for the milk to drip/pour out (use a cup or Tupperware for it to drip into)
Step 3:   wrap the coconut in a towel and strike it with the hammer until it begins breaking into smaller pieces
Step 4:   use a knife to pry the pulp away from the shell
Step 5:   eat and drink ---- enjoy!

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