Sunday, August 10, 2014


Ahhhh, our weeks in Flagstaff are something we so look forward to.  Aunt Alice & Uncle Charlie have a timeshare through the Wyndham and invite us each year for a week with them.  We have such wonderful memories relaxing up there.
This year our neighbors, Dave, Max and Aracely drove up on Sunday and spent the day with us - hiking Walnut Canyon Ruins, swimming, grilling, and having some ice cream.
Matt was able to spend five of the seven nights with us (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday).  He was there for the weekend and then came up again to spend all of Wednesday with us - Micah's official birthday.
The week was spent swimming, playing miniature golf, playing pool, watching movies, doing crafts, playing games, and enjoying the Bear Paw's ice cream.

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